Wednesday, November 27, 2019

18 Steps That Will Help You Quit a Job That You Hate

18 Steps That Will Help You Quit a Job That You Hate Is your job awful? Or just profoundly unfulfilling, and not challenging or helping you to grow in the most important ways for your career? If you know you’re not really where you need to be but you’re plagued by the what ifs, consider taking these 18 steps to see whether it might be scarier to stay at your job than working up the courage to quit and moving on to another opportunity. 1.  Think long and hard about your life and your choices.Are you living the life you want, or used to dream of? Or are you letting your shots be called by what is expected of you, or what you perceive you should be doing? Take a step back and see where you stand. Are you working towards great things? Or are you mired in mediocrity? If you’re not living the life you desire, and you find yourself being passive in your choices, start taking active steps to change that. Live by design, not by default.2. Fear the â€Å"if only† more than the â€Å"what if.†As scary as it is to start over (at any point in your career), isn’t it scarier to think of yourself regretting having stayed put several years down the line? Regret rarely shows up until it’s too late. Try to fear failure less than dissatisfaction when your chances at another chance dry up.3. Think, What’s the worst that can happen?†Imagine the absolute worst case scenario. All your gravest what-ifs. What does that look like? Clearly define what your biggest fears coming true might look like. Then ask yourself, â€Å"So what?† Is it livable? Workable? Even, perhaps, preferable to your current situation?4. Trust your gut.If there’s a nagging little voice in you telling you to quit and go after something better? Chances are you’re right. Listen to yourself and act deliberately to affect the change you crave. Think of it as your inner GPS.5. Trust what you love.Have the confidence to know that you’ll be better off- and much happier- if you’ re doing what you love. Even if you’re doing something you just like more. If you can’t get to your dream job in one leap from your current one, try a stepping stone. Anything is better than stagnation, particularly when you aren’t happy where you are. Think of all the time and energy you’re putting into what you don’t love. Imagine how much better you could be and feel!6. Make decisions based on happiness.Studies actually suggest that happiness fuels success and good performance- rather than the other way around. Build a life and career around what makes you happy and the rest should follow, crazy as it sounds.7. Set a  good example for others.Visualize your little sister or your best friend’s kid in your shoes. Now imagine them copying your choices and your solutions. Does this make you cringe? Inspire future mentees by pursuing what you really want and need most out of life.8. Live in the current moment.It’s important to keep an eye on the future. But it’s just as important to stay grounded in reality. Be realistic about what you can and can’t accomplish from where you are right now. What can you actually do now? Start there.9. Don’t despair.You are not alone. What you feel is totally normal and human and a lot of people out there are going through the same exact thing. Take comfort in that fact.10. Get clear on your purpose.You want a change, but why? Get clear on why you are unhappy, why you are leaving, why you’re taking the risk. As long as you stay on message, you’ll stay focused and can trust that you’re moving in the right direction.11. Get to know your own gifts.We all have our own unique talents and strengths. Let your passions lead you to understand yours and then lead with that. Trust yourself and show the world what you have to offer.12. Build a web of support.Find people who support, inspire, and motivate you. Who think like you do and are open to the s ort of life you want to lead. Build a network of these people, both business and personal, in person and online.13. Realize you might have to take a risk to make a gain.A small risk now, or a small sacrifice even, can pay large dividends down the road. Bet on yourself and figure out how to be a winner when the chips are down.14. Aim to please†¦ yourself.Imagine yourself on your deathbed. Are you proud of current you? Try living in such a way that would put a smile on the face of your past selves. Make sure you end up fulfilled and content with what you’ve chosen.15. Remember timing can be everything.But that doesn’t mean you have to wait for the perfect conditions for a change or a leap of faith. Perfect conditions will never appear. You’ll never be 100% prepared to make a major switch. Align as many stars as you can, but remember that sometimes you have to accept that things may never be perfect. Neither can you. Do what you can in the moment that presents itself.16. Trust the path.You may not be able to see where all this leads, but if you’re following your gut and staying true to your purpose (and reality), you can trust that it will take you where you need to go. Focus only on the next step.17. Get comfy with uncomfortable.Change is scary and uncomfortable. New is hard and daunting. Make being uncomfortable your new comfortable. Make this part of your journey.18. Have faith, not fear.Both faith and fear are kinds of uncertainty. Focus on what you do want, rather than what you don’t. And take active steps to make that happen. Don’t just sit back and worry that it won’t be possible.You never have any guarantees of how anything will turn out. But if you listen to yourself and make mindful choices in your life, you won’t go too far wrong.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Prevent a Shark Attack

How to Prevent a Shark Attack Even though youre more likely to die from a lightning strike, alligator attack or on a bicycle than from a shark attack, sharks do sometimes bite humans. In this article, you can learn about the actual risk of a shark attack, and how to avoid one.​ The International Shark Attack File The International Shark Attack  File  was developed in the late 1950s to compile information on shark attacks. Sharks attacks may be provoked or unprovoked. According to the International Shark Attack File, provoked attacks are those that happen when a person initiates contact with a shark (e.g., bites occurring to a fisherman removing a shark from a hook, a bite to a diver that has touched a shark). Unprovoked attacks are those that occur in the sharks natural habitat when a human has not initiated contact. Some of these may be if the shark mistakes a human for prey. Over the years, records of unprovoked attacks have increased - in 2015, there were 98 unprovoked shark attacks (6 fatal), which is the highest on record. This doesnt mean sharks are attacking more often. It  is more a function of increased human population and activity in the water (visiting the beach, increase in participation in scuba, paddle boarding, surfing activities, etc.), and the ease of reporting shark bites. Given the large increase in human population and ocean use over the years, the rate of shark attacks is decreasing. The top 3 attacking shark species were the white, tiger and bull sharks. Where Do Shark Attacks Occur? Just because youre swimming in the ocean doesnt mean you may be attacked by a shark. In many areas, large sharks dont come close to shore. The regions with the highest percentage of shark attacks were Florida, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Hawaii, and California. These are also regions where lots of people visit the beaches and participate in water activities. According to  The Shark Handbook, most shark bites occur to swimmers, followed by surfers and divers, but the majority of these bites are minor flesh wounds or abrasions. Ways to Prevent Shark Attacks There are many ways (most of them common-sense) that you can avoid a shark attack. Below is a list of what not to do if youll be swimming in waters where sharks might be present, and techniques for getting away alive if a shark attack really does happen. How to Avoid a Shark Attack: Dont swim alone.Dont swim during dark or twilight hours.Dont swim with shiny jewelry.Dont swim if you have an open wound.Dont swim too far offshore.Ladies: dont swim if youre menstruating.Dont splash excessively or make erratic movements.Keep pets out of the water.Dont swim in areas where there are sewage (for other obvious reasons!) or pinnipeds that are hauled-out. Both areas can attract sharks.Dont swim in areas being used by fishermen, as their bait could attract sharks.Dont push your luck - never harass a shark. Get out of the water if one is spotted and never attempt to grab or touch it. What to Do If Youre Attacked: Lets hope youve followed safety advice and successfully avoided an attack. But what do you do if you suspect a sharks in the area or you are being attacked? If you feel something brush against you, get out of the water. According to an article from National Geographic, many shark bite victims dont feel any pain. And sharks may strike more than once.If you are attacked, the number one rule  is do whatever it takes to get away. Possibilities include yelling underwater, blowing bubbles, and punching the sharks nose, eye or gills and then leaving the area before the shark strikes again. Protecting Sharks Although shark attacks are a horrific topic, in reality, many more sharks are killed by humans each year. Healthy shark populations are crucial to maintaining balance in the ocean, and sharks need our protection. References and Additional Information: Burgess, George H. 2011. ISAF Statistics on Attacking Species of Shark. (Online). FL Museum of Natural History. Accessed January 30, 2012.Burgess, George H. 2009. ISAF 2008 Worldwide Shark Attack Summary (Online). FL Museum of Natural History. Accessed February 5, 2010.Burgess, George H. 1998. Just for Kids: How to Avoid a Shark Attack Reprinted with permission from The Kids How to Do (Almost) Everything Guide, Monday Morning Books, Palo Alto, California. Accessed February 5, 2010.ISAF. 2009. International Shark Attack File. (Online). FL Museum of Natural History. Accessed February 5, 2010.Skomal, G. 2008. The Shark Handbook. Cider Mill Press Book Publishers: Kennebunkport, ME. 278pp.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The case therefore presents a challenge for students of Multi National Essay

The case therefore presents a challenge for students of Multi National Strategy - Essay Example This way a substantial amount of time taken in the drug development process can be saved. (Gonzalez-Benito, 30) The issue that occurs here is that testing drugs in poor countries gives rise to ethical concerns. Then dealing with the pharmaceutical critics becomes both a managerial concern and issue. These critics come up with claims that companies have failed to develop cures and only test drugs in the developing world intended for wealthy nations. (Lou Ann Di Nallo, 2008) In recent years the rising affluence in developing nations has created new incentives for drug makers to produce treatments over here. Also the huge population in developing countries makes a large market for the drug makers. However, according to advocates of social responsibility, the main responsibility for drug makers in the developing countries is to provide to their citizens an access to health care at affordable prices and to fight the neglected diseases prevalent over there. Which means these large companie s need to come up with programs that would at any time put the need for meeting public health care ahead of their profits. These kinds of programs will then eventually lead to improved relations with the host countries and will also promote the growth of market there. Therefore, addressing to the needs of developing counties has become an important part of pharmaceutical companies’ agenda. (Nott, 1996) In developing countries, the issue of getting intellectual property rights for the development of new drugs by pharmaceutical companies becomes an issue. This is because property rights or patents can be a disadvantage for developing countries in two ways. Firstly, these will increase the knowledge gap and secondly the producers of knowledge will have more bargaining power as a result. And most of these producers of knowledge themselves live in developed countries. Giving out patents will put the developing nations in a weak bargaining position when negotiating prices from the monopoly suppliers of drugs. Also, is believed that by awarding such rights to multinational companies, the introduction of new products by the local industries will be delayed and new medicines will become more expensive for a common man in these poor countries to afford. The resulting impression will be that of denying the people an access to the new drugs. (Charles Y.J. Cheah, 2004) Therefore the defense of the intellectual property rights is one of the major managerial issues of pharmaceuticals in developing countries just like the case of Novartis in India These companies argue that these rights would promote innovation and technological development which will eventually lead to social welfare and economic growth in developing countries. Patents provide an incentive to producers for investing in research and development, hence innovation. (Shah, 2010) Therefore, choosing a strategy that gives the company a reputation of being responsible while at the same time lowers the innova tion cost needs to be established. Companies expect reasonable rate of return for their investments on new drugs developed which would at times also mean charging a price that is much higher than what the market can afford to or is willing to pay. This lack of opportunity to make profits can be demotivating and lead to some

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Housing and the Inclusive Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Housing and the Inclusive Society - Essay Example According to the EU, as per the Charter of its Fundamental Rights, and as quoted by the Joint Report by the Commission and the Council on Social Inclusion, adopted by the council (EPSCO) on 4th March 2004, the definition of Social Inclusion stands as â€Å"Social Inclusion is a process which ensures that those at risk of poverty and social exclusions gain the opportunities and resources necessary to participate fully in economic, social and cultural life and to enjoy a standard of living and well being that is considered normal in the society in which they live. It ensures that they have greater participation in decision making which affects their lives and access to their fundamental rights.† Poverty and other factors: Poverty is a factor that divides people into the haves and have not’s. However, when one looks at social inclusion, it is an aspect that can do away with poverty and in fact, unite people. Inclusion is a factor that stresses upon people that they should live together, and work towards a single purpose. Social exclusion takes place when certain people living in a society are pushed right to the edge because they do not have as many resources or means to live as others might. They do not possess the basic amenities and that is why, they are left out or face discrimination by other people. They do not have the ability to take control over their lives because they do not have any property to their name so they end up feeling so helpless and powerless. However, social exclusion is not always about only poverty; the term coined ‘les exclus’ referred to those whose income bracket did not meet sufficient standards. People can also face exclusion or be excluded from housing because they are disabled, or might have a different sexual orientation. When a person is excluded from society, this means that he has been stripped of all his participation powers and does not get a say in how things should work. That is why, much is being done to make sure that no citizen feels this way, and that everyone gets equal participation in the framework of tasks carried out within a society. (Atkinson, 1998) The private rented sector contributes to social inclusion and exclusion in the following ways: The housing systems in different economies are one of the main reasons why exclusion might take place. This includes that there might be many who are not able to afford the rent or pay their landlords the amount asked for, and thus are not able to get a house for themselves. People who have low or marginal incomes are not able to afford the rent and so are excluded from housing societies. The amenities provided inside, like the heating or the fuel systems and such other resources might not be affordable by the tenants waiting to take the house on rent. Apart from this, many disabled people just might not be able to live in homes that are not designed for their needs, for example, they might not have stairs for wheelchairs, an d thus these people cannot live in such accommodations. Many landlords still practice discrimination today, and everything cannot be checked by the governments at all times. Many potential tenants do not even have the information about housing locations and this leaves them out of the private rented sector, and otherwise, they are located in specific areas, thus leading to exclusion of people who do not belong to those areas. In order to fix these problems, much could be

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Revivalism Essay Example for Free

Revivalism Essay â€Å"Revivalism is an authentic Afro-Christian religious folk form that evolved during the eighteenth to nineteenth century. Initially, it was the native Baptist Christians who joined forces with the Moravians, and other non-conformist churches to become the forerunners of the movement. However, Jamaica was said to have experienced a religious movement called the Great Revival in 1861, which saw the incorporation of much more African retention in the movement. Pocomania is more African in form while Zion is more Christian oriented. † [1] Upon preparing to embark this journey, I was a bit disgruntled that I had to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to go this â€Å"Watt Town† excursion, but I still approached with a open mind, though I had an idea of what to expect, seeing that I was already acquainted with quite a few Revivalists. Honestly I expected it to be a waste of time, but upon seeing the fellowship of my friends, while waiting on the buses which were scheduled to take us on our journey it got easier and easier, we engaged in jokes and hymns we swore were Revivalist hymns but Mr. Grey quickly busted our bubble and told us that those hymns were Pentecostal. We were greeted by a semi-pleasant but slow bus driver, but the vibe in our bus quickly took our minds off the length of the journey. I view Revivalists as highly religious people who are in tune with spirits with from various realms, known as Heaven, Earth and Ground spirit realms, I met with a lot of different Revivalists, but what I found rather interesting was the fact that the core of what they were saying were similar but they were also many subtle differences, For example I met with a man, whose name is Joseph Whitter, of the Olivette Seventh day church. nd he seemed to be quite respected in the church community, he blatantly stated at the beginning of the conversation that, â€Å"Revivalism is the only way to be saved†, we had a long drawn out discussion on what are my personal views on religion and the opening statement he made, where I told him that I strongly disagree with that statement and I believe that there is only one God and peace and love is the ultimate goa l, which everyone should try to achieve, no matter what religion one identifies with. I then met with Miss. Barbara Harper of the same church, Olivette Seventh day church, and she stated that people should go to any church they want to go to and do anything that is truly pleasing to God, when I mentioned what her church brother thought about the same thing, she said that there is no one way to get to heaven and that people spend more of their time in competition with other denominations and religions rather than giving praises to the most high. I laughed a bit and I was in total agreement with her statement. We then started to talk about her life, and how she was before she identified that Revivalism was for her, I could see that the movement actually helped her and improved her life, before moving on I thanked her for being so honest and reasoning with me, telling her that I would listen to her talk any day for she had a liberal and open mind and I absolutely hated radical minded people, who try to force their doctrines and beliefs down peoples throats. When we finally arrived at Watt Town, after our extra long journey I had no idea of what I was about to witness, the site was like nothing I had seen before, I was greeted by what had seemed to be hundreds of people, I discovered that Watt Town was having what had seemed like an inter -church convention. I saw children from various schools and young adults like our selves there to see this feat. One of the first things I noticed about the Revivalists was they were wearing different uniforms in different styles and colours, I wondered and asked why were they dressed like this and a kind lady told me that each church was represented by different uniforms. The seal is the focal point of the church; this is where the angels are believed to manifest themselves. This is the most sacred area of the ground and is a welcoming tool. The seal is a dominant feature in all revivalist churches because the seal encourages spirits which come and possess the members, enabling them to carry out their works of healing and worship. It is advised that one should walk around the seal three times to pay respect to the Tribune God. Some seals can be seen with silver coins in them, this is payment to the spirits for their help. The flags and banners we saw at the front play a very important role in the revivalism. A tall pole usually marks a revival ground. The flags on the pole are used to attack passing spirits, the attraction of spirits is very important to revivalism because they believe in many spirits and that they can be appeased or summoned to assist in their day-to-day lives. Each banner has its own purpose. Green means anything of nature, Blue and white means peace, pink love and red stands for the blood of Jesus. Upon venturing to the top of the structure, some pebbles started to rain from a roof top, some hitting my head, not understanding anything about what was going on yet, I didn’t take kindly to this, that confused me a bit more than I already was. When a group of us finally got to the top we noticed the different worship circles/prayer group, and I was pleased by some as I saw some circles which were mixed with members of different churches, this showed me that pride was not an issue and did not hinder worship, and the main goal, magnifying the most high, I stood in amazement right next to two worship circles and I heard various choruses, some I had heard before, some I had not, I was familiar with songs such as â€Å"Madda de great stone got to move† and â€Å"Rock oh! Rock holy, rock oh! Rock holy†. Being a musician I enjoyed this aspect of the excursion, identifying the keys and the chord progressions that would go with their simple but effective melodies. I noticed that even though their uniforms were different, they had many things in common, I noticed that many of them had head wraps with various pieces of stationery in the wraps, I laughed at this sight because I thought they were taking notes or something, but as I went on and I learned more I discovered that the pencils, rulers and scissors that I saw resting in their head wraps had special significance. The pencils and rulers signifies healing among the followers, the scissors were carried around by a specific set of people, known as the healers, who use the scissors to literally cut evil from around the persons being healed, as demonstrated to us by a young man named Otis. A few of the Revivalists were also seen carrying around a meter ruler, this was given to people who had been living a righteous life and who were slated to be married. We saw some people washing their face with sugar water, this was said to bring clearance and purity, the prayer shawl was said to represent the Tribe of Judah, as we learned that, like the Rastafarians there was a lot of African roots in Revivalism also, and they used red green and gold to identify with Ethiopia and Ghana. When I inquired about a lamp I saw an elderly woman carrying around, she said that the lamp also represents healing and spiritual light because revivalists don’t walk in the darkness. These healing symbols were brought from Africa with the slaves and became an integral part of the revivalist healing services. As a result the present day revivalist has maintained the practice. I asked some Revivalists of their actual occupations and from the replies I found out that they were either day workers, higglers or fishermen, (more than likely belonging to the lower class) I saw that this must have contributed to the scornful treatment by mainstream and middle/upper class Christians, They consider them to be highly superstitious, pagan, primitive and comical in ritual behaviors especially when they suspect them of practicing obeah. The disdain heaped on the lower class involved in revivalism can be traced to colonialism. Stratification was practiced on the plantation not only from the perspective of whites to none whites or but also among the blacks. The free slave felt himself above the house slave who felt they were superior to the field slaves and there was further stratification in that group depending on the gang to which they belong. Seaga, in his writings in the 1980’s explained that Revivalism also has different levels within its structure. There is the Leader who is the central figure of importance; below the leader are the armour bearer, shepherd boy and mother. The leader is never usually questioned on the reason for ritual observances. The ritualistic forms of Revivalism takes three major forms such as prayer meeting, street meeting and rituals for specific purposes for example tables, altars and baths. The meetings are usually opened to the public. Revivalism is divided into two groups, Zion and Pocomania, Pocomania is more African in form while Zion is more Christian oriented. they are referred to as 2 different spiritual groups the 60 and 61, the 60 spirit (Zion) are persons who believe in only one God, the Heavenly spirits, archangels, saints and angels. ho are viewed as firmly rooted and committed Christian. The 61 (Pocomania) spirit comprises of individuals who take commands from earth-bound spirits are the â€Å"Fallen Angels† (satanic powers), from God and from The Ground spirits are those of the human dead that are not biblically mentioned. I noticed that the people of the 60 spirit, look down the 61 in a way which gave me a feeling of segregation between both of the groups. I noticed that like other Christians, Revivalists also go on fasting sessions but they can’t just get up and fast they have to be ordered by the holy spirit. Also apart a Revivalists culture includes heavy usage of flowers they believe that when you place the flowers in water and go to sleep you dream see your future, whether it brings destruction or fortune. Some of my views on Revivalists were different after the trip, previously I thought that, Revivalists only went to church like other Christians and the worship was similar but I was mistaken, I also thought that they used instruments but I discovered that their bodies were their instruments, stomping and grunting to help them keep time and to provide percussive sounds. In my opinion the greatest gift Revivalists can give to the Jamaican culture, is their sense of unity, having being bashed for many many years, I saw that these people remained strong and stood firm for what they believe. That is what many religions and people of Jamaica need to survive through good times and bad, this was what I took away from the journey, and if I didn’t take anything else, I was glad I took this quality from the Revivalists, unity is strength and they will forever be a constant reminder of that value.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Angel/Satan Relationship in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein :: Frankenstein Essays

In modern times we are brought face-to-face with the tangible issue of engineered-creation and the hopes and fears it inspires. It is a common hope that science should be able to mimic the abilities and power of the God that created us. However, with respect to Mary Shelley's famous novel, "Frankenstein," one will find that the desire to play god is met with dire consequences. The theme of creation in "Frankenstein" touches on the notion of how modern science plays God. This is illustrated through the attempt of replicating a human by means of science, using the main character Victor as the god-figure. Unfortunately, Victor Frankenstein did not consider the effect his creation would have on the outside world and, more importantly, his internal self and his creation. From a Christian perspective there is only one creator that can successfully conceive life, and this is God. Obviously if God is not present in this creating process, and science has instigated the responsibility, the failure of the creation is inevitable. Science cannot create balanced emotions, socially imposed morals, or a soul. Thusly, such a creation would have no moral compass from which to gage the appropriateness of its reactions or behaviors. The person responsible for attempting a god-like role in the name of science should bear the responsibility of whatever may result from such a creation. In the book, the Monster is searching for a way to fit in and find acceptance, so, the Monster turns to reading the bible. It gives the Monster a small sense of solace and he interprets many of the passages to help him define who he is what his role in this world might be. The Monster of "Frankenstein" finally admits that he is but a creature of Victor and says, "I ought to be thy Adam but I am rather the fallen angel" (Shelley, 2000). There is a dual allusion present in this quotation. One is referring to in John Milton's classic Paradise Lost, a tale which is often mentioned in Shelley's "Frankenstein." The other is undoubtedly the Creation of Adam and Eve in the Bible itself, not just the allusion given in Paradise Lost. The aforementioned quotation illustrates the very idea that creation through science is a hollow, damning pursuit as the Monster seems himself for what he is perceived to be.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bromus tectorum ( cheatgrass or downy brome)

Researching on Bromus tectorum lead me to a vast collection of literature about the plant species. An almost complete reference on it is provided by the Nature Conservancy, Wildland Weed Program. For my essay/report, I used its â€Å"Element Stewardship Abstract for Bromus tectorum† written by Allan Carpenter and Thomas Murray as my main reference. The plant species Bromus tectorum is an alien grass or an invader that usually takes over â€Å"disturbed ground in shrub-steppe ecosystems of the Western United States and Canada† (Link et al. ). The scientific name is of Greek and Latin origins.According to the work of Upadhyaya et al. , the genus name Bromus is said to have originated from the archaic Greek word bromos, which refers to a particular kind of oat. The ancient Greek word broma, in addition, means food. The specific epithet, on the other hand, was believed to have been derived from the Latin words tector and tectum, which mean ‘one who overlays’ an d roof, respectiviely. Bromus tectorum is more commonly known as cheatgrass to local inhabitants. Other parts of North America call it downy brome because of its noticeably hairy leaves. There are many other names associated to this species.The documented ones include drooping brome, downy cheat, cheat grass brome, slender chess, Mormon oats, and broncograss (Upadhyaya et al. ). Cheatgrass is erect and can rise up to 24 inches high. Its leaves and stems shape into tufts or clumps as seen in Figure 1. The grass has tiny, pappy hair like structures that cover its leaves. Bromus tectorum is an annual grass and is usually dense during winter or spring. This annual plant germinates in fall or spring. However, it has been observed that vast numbers of â€Å"cheatgrass seedlings usually germinate after the first fall rain in infested areas† (West).Cheatgrass only replicates through seeds. However, it is exceptionally efficient; that is, an individual cheatgrass may reproduce hundred s to thousands of seeds (Mosely et al. 1987 cited in Pyron). Its root system then proceeds to develop for the entire duration of the winter season. By spring, the grass has an already wide-ranging root system, enabling the plant to draw out higher levels of moisture and soil nutrients. Cheatgrass has a compact phenology and usually desiccates and spreads its seeds by mid-June (West 1983). Naturally, it undergoes senescence in summer.Once dried, these plants can catalyze wildfires in its regions. The frequent occurrence of fires in an area displaces perennials and even other annuals that initially dominate a particular community (West 1983). Cheatgrass has a Eurasian native range (Novak, Mack, and Soltis). However, it is now found in diverse forms of habitats all over the United States; but, it is most distinguished on the â€Å"Columbia-Snake River Plateau, Wyoming Basin, and the northern portion of the Great Basin in disturbed sagebrush steppe communities† (Rice and Mack ; W est).In the mid 1800s, it was accidentally brought into the United States of America. The invasion of North America by B. tectorum occurred through multiple introductions (Bartlett et al. ). In regions where the soil has especially high levels of potassium in it, cheatgrass is found to grow and proliferate well in the area (Belnap pers. comm. cited in Carpenter et al. ). Research has shown that the measured potassium levels in communities can be used to determine and probabilistically predict how susceptible and vulnerable the area may be to cheatgrass takeover.The amount of potassium in the soil may also be altered to alter the abundance of cheatgrass. By lowering the levels of potassium in the soil, the density of cheatgrass may also be lowered. (Belnap pers. comm. cited in Carpenter et al. ). The control of growth and proliferation of cheatgrass in a particular area has shown great significance. Since cheatgrass exhibits both advantage and disadvantages, it is important to be abl e to moderate its invasion. Cheatgrass has a twofold role; one, as an annoying and pestering weed, and two, a significant â€Å"early season forage for cattle and sheep† (Emmerich et al.; Upadhyaya et al. ). Bromus tectorum takes over â€Å"rangelands, pastures, prairies, and other open areas,† as seen in Figure 2 (www. invasive. org). Consequently, it has the capacity to thoroughly modify the ecosystems it invades. It poses many ecological and environmental problems because of its propensity to completely wipe out all native foliage and vegetation in a particular area and even modify certain fire patterns. The alterations caused by cheatgrass in the frequency of fire cycles is said to be â€Å"the species’ greatest competitive advantage.† (Whisenant) In sagebrush grassland ecosystem, fire is a natural occurrence (see Figure 3). Those fires usually happened at intervals within the range of 60-100 years. However, in areas where the presence of cheatgrass d ominates, areas burn at a much greater and increased frequency, every 3-5 years (Whisenant). With this frequency range, native plants, shrubs, and other perennial grasses cannot keep up and fail to recover. This results to the development of cheatgrass monoculture; other species tend to be completely wiped-out.The vegetation of a pristine (undisturbed) shrub-steppe ecosystem is populated by â€Å"perennial bunchgrasses and widely spaced shrubs† (Whisenant). According to the work of Whisenant, the species that are commonly replaced by cheatgrass include the following: â€Å"big sagebrush, antelope bitterbrush, bluebunch wheatgrass, crested wheatgrass western wheatgrass, Sandberg bluegrass, needle-and-thread grass, and Thurber’s needlegrass. † Sagebrush steppe cannot simply persist with this shortened fire interval.As how Devine put it, â€Å"fire begets cheatgrass and cheatgrass begets fire† (Devine). What are the advantages of Bromus tectorum or cheatgras s? For ranchers, it is especially useful since it provides a large volume of early spring forage for different types of livestock and animals on grazing lands especially in the Intermountain and Pacific Northwest regions (Upadhyaya et al. ). In terms of its density and the quality of herbage grown including the wideness of the area covered by cheatgrass, it is â€Å"undoubtedly the most important spring forage in the region† (Upadhyaya et al.; Emmerich et al. ). On the other hand, while ranchers in the Intermountain and Pacific Northwest regions take advantage of cheatgrass, the United States and Canada winter wheat growers consider it as pest—their worst problem (Upadhyaya et al. 1986). According to literature, cheatgrass is a problematic weed in winter wheat. Cheatgrass has many ecological and competitive advantages in contrast with other perennial and annual plants. It has the ability to adapt well and evolve to its native environment and to other environments it in vades.Although this has shown to have certain advantages especially to ranchers for foraging, this characteristic of cheatgrass has posed many problems in the ecology and can be very damaging. In my opinion, it is only proper that human intervention be exercised to control its dominance and invasions. Cheatgrass is a sinister. As discussed, it raises both agricultural and environmental problems. The references that I have read reveal that regulation of cheatgrass invasion will demand â€Å"a combination of chemical control, physical control, vegetative suppression, and proper livestock management where land is grazed† (Carpenter and Murray).It is obvious that the problem is quite a complex one as it involves many other variables. Moreover, human intervention could possibly worsen the ecological balance. Thus, the U. S. government and other ecological and environmental agencies should seriously and carefully address the problems and implement effective management programs to m inimize its infestations yet still making sure that ecological equilibrium is still achieved. Main Reference Carpenter, Allan and Thomas Murray. 1998. â€Å"Element Stewardship Abstract for Bromus tectorum.† The Nature Conservancy, Wildland Weed Program. Downloaded from: http://tncweeds. ucdavis. edu Works Cited Bartlett Elizabeth, Stephen Novak, and Richard Mack. â€Å"Genetic Variation in Bromus Tectorum (Poaceae): differentiation in the eastern United States,† American Journal of Botany, 89. 4 (2002): 602-612. Belnap, Jayne. Personal communication with Jayne Belnap. Ecologist, National Biological Service. Canyonlands National Park, Moab, Utah (10/19/98). Devine, Robert. â€Å"That cheatin’ heartland. † 51-71. In: Alien invasion: America’s battle with non-native animals and plants.National Geographic Society. Washington D. C. 1998. Emmerich, Fay, Frosty Tipton, and James Young. â€Å"Cheatgrass: Changing perspectives and management strategies. à ¢â‚¬  Rangelands 15 (1993): 37-39. Link, Steven. , Harvey Bolton, Jr. , Michael Thiede, and William Rickard. â€Å"Responses of downy brome to nitrogen and water. † Journal of Range Management 48 (1995): 290-297. Novak, Stephen, Richard Mack, and Pamela Soltis. â€Å"Genetic variation in Bromus tectorum (Poaceae): introduction dynamics in North America. † Canadian Journal of Botany 71 (1993): 1441–1448.Mosely, Jeffrey, Stephen Bunting and Mark Manoukian. â€Å"Cheatgrass. † 175-188. In: Sheley, Roger L. ; Petroff, Janet K. , eds. Biology and management of noxious rangeland weeds. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press. 1999. Pyron, Jayson. â€Å"Cheatgrass (Bromus Tectorum). † Rice, Kevin, and Richard Mack. â€Å"Ecological genetics of Bromus tectorum: intraspecific variation in phenotypic plasticity. † Oecologia 88 (1991): 84-90.Upadhyaya, Mahesh, Roy Turkington and Douglas McIlvride. â€Å"The biology of Canadian weeds. 75. Bromus tectorum L. † Canadian Journal of Plant Science 66 (1986): 689-709. West, Niel. Western intermountain sagebrush steppe: Temperate Deserts and Semi-Deserts. 351-373. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1993. Whisenant, Steven â€Å"Changing fire frequencies on Idaho’s Snake River Plains: Ecological and management implications. † Proceedings-Symposium on Cheatgrass Invasion, Shrub Die-off, and Other Aspects of Shrub Biology and Management, 1990.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Great Gatsby Essay

Not only does the idea of money being the most important factor in life means one’s partner comes second, it additionally solidities one’s class, meaning families are separated just by the amount of money they have to their names. Fitzgerald illustrates the theme of doomed love with the relationship of Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson, Tom,  powerfully built and hailing from a socially solid old family yet associating with Myrtle, whose lifeless husband George owns a run-down garage in the valley of ashes, representing two extreme classes. McEwan reinforces this theme in the relationship between Robbie Turner and Cecilia Tallis, Robbie a gardener and Cecilia the daughter of the ministry-employed and wealthy Jack Tallis are also partitioned by class. Consequently, relationships in both novels are doubtlessly doomed due to the impenetrable barriers of class and wealth. Throughout the novel, this theme is reinforced as we discover a consistent number of tragedies in the majority of relationships. The idea of Gatsby’s and Daisy’s relationship being inevitably doomed is emphasized with the Gatsby using the abstract noun ‘passion’ showing the obsession he has with Daisy, highlighting the idea of a Romeo and Juliet relationship, one being so in love that it is bound to end in tragedy. Additionally, Fitzgerald illuminates doomed love with symbolism describing the portrait of Dan Cody, a man who mirrors the average man in the American soceity as a ‘florid man with a hard, empty face’ which reflects the hollowness of people and their materialistic views; they solely focus on their wealth over relationships. McEwan reflects such demeanour in Briony Tallis’ story ‘The Princess was well aware of his remorseless wickedness, but that made it no easier to overcome the voluminous love she felt in her heart for Sir Romulus’ again initiating the predicament of unconditional love. This is obviously bound to end in disaster when such dispute, such as class separation and the ‘importance’ of money is involved in the relationship which reflects Fitzgerald’s relationship of Gatsby and Daisy where Gatsby is unbelievably in love with Daisy and yet we know she does not feel quite the same way, again initiating disaster. Symbolism, a feature Fitzgerald continuously employs for the duration of ‘The Great Gatsby’ additionally emphasizes the theme of doomed loved. Previous to Daisy’s arrival in Chapter Four, Gatsby exclaimed a few minutes before she was due to arrive that ‘Nobody’s coming to tea. It’s too late! ’ and that he ‘can’t wait all day’, this is a very ironic statement, firstly for the fact he says ‘nobody’s coming’ as we know that Daisy really never does return into Gatsby’s life as he wishes she will and secondly that he says ‘it’s too late! and yet he’s waited five years to   see Daisy. Furthermore, when Gatsby and Daisy first sit down together, ‘the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of his head’ which symbolises the idea of time being a very important theme, the adverb ‘dangerously’ clearly highlighting how precarious the desi re to recapture the past really is. The idea that when the clock fell off the mantelpiece, it stopped, symbolises Gatsby’s life, frozen in time, he believing everything between him and Daisy will be exactly as it was, five years before. Fitzgerald carries on using symbolism behind all issues in the novel, after the tragic death of Gatsby, Tom Buchanan and Daisy Fay flee to a new house far away rather than condescend to attend Gatsby’s funeral, ‘They were careless people, Tom and Daisy–they smashed up things’  again mirroring the hollowness of people and the hedonistic attitudes they have to life; all they care about is themselves, nobody else’s feelings and so this is an additional important factor to why relationships end up in pieces. Furthermore, ‘the green light’ is another important symbol in ‘The Great Gatsby’ representing Gatsby’s hopes and dreams for the future. In Chapter One, ‘he stretched out his arms towards a single green light’ as a guiding light to lead him to his goal: Daisy and yet at the end of the novel, we realise his dream was one stuck in the past, impossible to achieve, although Nick as the retrospective narrator observes, the light does still continue to shine one, symbolising hope for the rest of us and yet so much doom for Gatsby and Daisy and the love between them. The prominent theme of doomed love is additionally supported by McEwan’s fragmented structure of the novel symbolising the broken hearts of Robbie Turner and Cecilia Tallis which is mirrored in Nick’s unreliable narrative voice. An obsession with materialism reflects the hollowness of the people of 1920s America, Gatsby reinforces this object-orientated focus when he cries ‘she only married you because I was poor and she was tired waiting for me’, obviously highlighting that the only reason Daisy was to marry was for money, not the fact she loved thus illuminating doomed love as the relationship is based on money and materialism. Fitzgerald uses wealth imagery to describe Daisy ‘Her voice is full of money’ symbolising the need for money as a support for her own personality. Kevin Rea writes ‘the sense of hope conveyed by yellow is still present in the light and music. But the fact ‘the earth lurches away from the sun’ hints at the transient powers wealth bestows’’ which again illuminates the theme of money being so important, yet underneath it only leads to disaster in relationships in the novel again initiating the theme of doomed love. Incredibly, Gatsby himself is one factor of his own relationship with Daisy being so doomed. Blinded by the astronomic amount of love he has for her, Gatsby states ‘Can’t repeat the past?†¦ Why of course you can! ’, emphasizing the unachievable expectations he has, all he wants to do is regress to five years before and reunite perfectly with his ‘love’, but coincidently we know this is quite the opposite of what happens. Furthermore Gatsby wants something of Daisy that she can’t give, an unachievable statement, for her to ‘just tell him the truth, that you never loved him and it’s all wiped out forever’ about Tom, but we know this can’t happen as Daisy’s love for Tom was once real and strong as narrated in Jordan’s vignette. Fitzgerald uses an abundance of pathetic fallacy throughout the novel in coordination with the theme of doomed love. Gatsby and Daisy’s first meeting seems particularly awkward which reflects the weather, ‘pouring†¦small muddy swamps and prehistoric marshes’ reinforcing the mood. Additionally, as Gatsby and Daisy began to ‘click’ and ‘bond’ the ‘sun shone again’ initiating an optimistic and joyful mood. Sorrow returns at the tragic funeral of Gatsby along with the miserable weather, ‘thick drizzle’, ‘rain poured down his thick glasses’ showing doom in any love between him and Daisy. Likewise, McEwan uses pathetic fallacy, Leon asks Cecelia if ‘the hot weather’ makes her behave badly, this weather reflecting the difficulties between Robbie and Cecelia, the weather a hindrance, an obstruction, a way of creating misery in one’s life, mirroring Briony Tallis’ role in ‘Atonement’ and how she destroys and completely gets in the way of the relationship, consequently illuminating the theme of doomed love and reflecting ‘The Great Gatsby’ in the way Gatsby is an obstruction with his own affiliation with Daisy Fay. As we begin to draw close to the end of ‘The Great Gatsby’, we come across the reunited relationship of Daisy and Tom ‘sitting opposite each other’. Fitzgerald describes the couple ‘they weren’t happy†¦and yet they weren’t unhappy either’ mirroring the people of 1920s America, in the Jazz Age, as Gertrude Stein stated they were ‘the lost generation’ and had no real point to life and so lived unhappily, happily. Although this image of the two sitting together not showing compassion or love could represent doomed love, some could alternatively say that this relationship, which looked doomed at the start, is now the only good, strong one left, contradicting the theme. Mike Peters writes ‘not only Gatsby, but several of the other characters remain enigmas’, showing mysteriousness to the characters in Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’, maybe Gatsby did only love Daisy for the money or maybe Daisy never loved Tom? None of us can know, excluding Fitzgerald, we have no final conclusions to draw. However, it is clear that in the heartless and materialism obsessed society that Fitzgerald creates, it is only the most corrupt relationship that survives at the end. To finally conclude, Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’ leaves us with nothing but disappointment, which shows contrast to McEwan’s ‘Atonement’ which then leaves us with the possibility of hope and faith. Fitzgerald leaves us with sadness and we feel sympathy for the characters in the book, they all seem lost and seeking for something and yet the only solution they discover is money, highlighting again the theme of doomed love, money before love. The death of Myrtle Wilson devastates hers and George’s relationship which is obviously the result of her materialistic values and her longing for Tom’s money, her main focus in a man was his money, this is highlighted when she says that ‘’Oh, is that your suit? ‘ I said. ‘This is the first I ever heard about it. But I gave it to him and then I lay down and cried to beat the band all afternoon† reinforcing the idea that wealth is of huge importance to her. Gatsby obviously dead and Tom and Daisy reunited, but only on the thread of a string, all these sorrows as a result of money and class partition. Additionally, the death of Robbie Turner in ‘Atonement’ is the result of class partitio ning and so is also highlighting the theme of doomed love, a major theme in both F. Scott. Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’ and Ian McEwan’s ‘Atonement’.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Depiction of teenagers in magazines Essay Example

Depiction of teenagers in magazines Essay Example Depiction of teenagers in magazines Essay Depiction of teenagers in magazines Essay The media is a very powerful way in which one persons view can be shown to millions of people. Writing, film making, art, music and journalism can challenge your views about being part of British society and the roles the people play in it. Theres a little Quote I like to add The medias the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and thats power. Because they control the minds of the masses Introduction Do the media paint a true picture of teenagers? Teenagers are very impressed by actors on the T.V or Pop stars and peer pressure is also huge factor. Adverts shows on the T. V, impress teenagers to buy expensive and design clothes or sport wear or make up for girls. All the teenagers want to look cool, fashion style and try to impress boys or girls. The teenagers come across Media e. g. T. V, Internet, Radio, Magazines, Bill boards and Leaflets and they are shown them by violence, powerful, strength, disrespectful, distracting schools or college, breaking the law, get drunk, get involve in illegal things and most things that they have got lots of confidence. Teenagers think that they are most powerful in Politics and they can make the teenagers to be good citizens in the country and also they think that can do anything they want, especially the boys because they are sporty, they want to be a gangster to impress or to get the girls. The boys think that they must have a girlfriend at the age of 15. Main body In my opinion in media I think that teenagers are misrepresented because in the Magazine they give opinions on how you should look and how you can attract boys and girls. When the teenagers read it, they wont follow what the book or magazine says and they just follow their own way and in their daily lives, youll see none of them like what the Magazine article says. Bob Geldof is the one who hits out at teen magazines, he doesnt want a magazine about how to get girls/boys, flirting and more. He wants these sorts of magazines to stop because he has a 3 teenagers daughters and he said, Its too sexual information for young teenagers children. Bob Geldof compares these magazines to pedophiles because of the sexual content. Two of the quotes that Bob Geldof said, Are they any less offensive than a 22 year old man going to and 11 year old and saying I am going to talk to you about sex, And If such a conversation happened, you would view it as sold, probably illegal and certainly Predatory. The news reporters or the media suppose Bob Geldof is known for being outspoken. Bob Geldof went tot the media itself to tell his opinion, once he went to BBC programmer Grumpy old men, in this programmed he admitted that he had not banned the magazine from his home but he was still outraged to see their contents. The good things about the magazine are they tell lots of advice s that you dont want to talk to your family about sex. It also has a child helpline with them, so when ever they need help about sex they can ring this child helpline, so they will give good answers to teenagers to understand about sex. The bad things about the magazine are its too sexual information and its not appropriate for teenagers. It has the words that the teenagers dont want to learn. Theres no useful idea or advice for teenagers. They were talking about how to be hot or how to do sex and also they made the teenagers to think about sex. In Cosmo girl front cover the sort of writing it had for girls. You can tell by the words, fonts (different variety of writing) in bold colour and finally the layout, when I mean layout 1 mean is what sort of fonts they use. Fonts like bold, Italic, size of writing and the different varieties of fonts e. g. Times new roman. They also use informal language e. g. EEK! Thats for the girls who wear a lot of clothes, put a lot of make up and girls is who try to attract boys and flirt with them. Straight away you can say this magazine for girls. (You can tell this by the title: Cosmo girl) and also on the front cover there is a signature saying Rachel Bilson that isnt really her signature because like I said theres different varieties of fonts. Finally that I can tell this front cover its for girls I that the colour they use blue and pink, theyre both primary colour inside the Cosmo Girl it will just talk about fashion, how to attract the boys and more. In Channel U video, the teenagers were wearing some attractive clothes (gangster or style) to impress the girls. Like e. g. the way they sing and move their moves like a really bad guy, some of their moves were sexually to the girls. Its like a gangster; they were tired to be a gangster. They were getting close to the girls by Dance, touching them. The teenagers would really enjoy this because its got a rap which is look like a gangster, when the teenagers watch gangster sort of rap/songs they all go hyper and act like theyre cool and strong and also its sexually explicit, revealing clothing for the girls, provocative, subservient, very aggressive style of shooting, violence, the way they move, body language, gangster attitudes and confrontational. In the Sketchers adverts there were two sorts of teenagers who were aimed at female and male. When the girls looked at the adverts they would think if we buy these trainers we will feel like the girl on the picture. The girl on the picture looks comfortable, good looking, relaxed and passive. On the other side boys point of view about the sketchers adverts is totally different from the girls point of view. When the boys look at the advert theyll think that theyll turn all active, strong, good looking, ready for anything and is control of themselves and other people. The body language is like aggressive, tough and strong and shape body. The body language shows you that they showing off their body and strengths. The stereo types are not all true because not all the boys in the world arent like that and also it makes you look like youre more active.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

3 Cases of Sentence-Composition Confusion

3 Cases of Sentence-Composition Confusion 3 Cases of Sentence-Composition Confusion 3 Cases of Sentence-Composition Confusion By Mark Nichol It’s not only quite possible but also quite common for what initially appears to be a well-written sentence to turn out to fail to express what the writer intended. Readers may be able to understand that intent, and may not even notice the error, but confusion is likely. Here are three sentences that don’t quite say what the writer thinks they say, followed by discussions and revisions. 1. Jones teamed up with another future Hall of Famer named John Smith. This sentence literally states that Jones’s name is actually John Smith; â€Å"another future Hall of Famer named John Smith† implies that the previously mentioned person shares that name. To eliminate this distraction, simply replace name with a comma: â€Å"Jones teamed up with another future Hall of Famer, John Smith. (Alternatively, change another to fellow and delete named: â€Å"Jones teamed up with fellow future Hall of Famer John Smith.†) 2. Gillian Anderson was offered half of David Duchovny’s salary for the return of The X-Files. Here, the take-away is that half of David Duchovny’s salary was taken away and offered to Gillian Anderson- obviously not the intended meaning, which is that Duchovny was paid twice as much as Anderson to return to the television series. The fact that Duchovny’s salary is mentioned only for comparative purposes should be emphasized: â€Å"Gillian Anderson was offered half of what David Duchovny was paid to return to The X-Files.† (Alternatively, write â€Å"Gillian Anderson was offered half as much as David Duchovny was paid to return to The X-Files.†) Note, too, the rewording in each case of the end of the sentence, which originally was written as if to suggest that she gave the series back in exchange for taking half of Duchovny’s salary, rather than that in exchange for reprising her role in a new edition of the series, she is earning half of what her male co-star is being paid. 3. I managed to pinpoint the location of his first housing development, but finding the first house he built was about as easy as locating men who worked on his construction crews. To compare one difficult task (finding the first house a housing developer built) with another (tracking down his contractors) by writing that one was as easy as the other could confuse readers. (As it is, only the counterpoint conjunction but provides a clue that the second and third objectives were a challenge to achieve.). For clarity, replace â€Å"as easy as† with â€Å"as difficult as†: â€Å"I managed to pinpoint the location of his first housing development, but finding the first house he built was about as difficult as locating men who worked on his construction crews.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Wether, Weather, WhetherThe Writing ProcessDrama vs. Melodrama

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Utilizating halophytes in afforestation and reforestation reducing Research Proposal

Utilizating halophytes in afforestation and reforestation reducing pressure on deforestation - Research Proposal Example On the other hand, reforestation refers to the development or maintenance of an existing forest through the act of planting trees when others are cut. Deforestation may not prove a very effective means of reducing pressure on deforestation leading to better chances on environmental maintenance. Through these measures afforestation and deforestation, the environmental aspects would indicate an improvement that ranges from the reduced pressure on deforestation. The challenges faced by many countries on fighting the environmental changes occasioned by the high rate of deforestation, there have developed options that would aid in providing solutions to deforestation. Through these, the application of halophytes has proven an option to aid in providing the environmental cover necessary to improve the environment. The application of halophytes proves applicable based on their ability to withstand tougher grounds and grow into plants that will keep the necessary green cover available. The environmental efforts to redeem the environment have mostly proven futile leading to the need to develop netter approaches to the problem hence the study below: Many environmentalists have developed approaches towards the solving of deforestation. Despite these efforts, deforestation still on the rise and has provided for a fear of the environment caused by the increasing effects and loss of the earth’s cover. Many efforts have emerged aimed at reducing the effect and creating a means of dealing with the challenges. These range from afforestation to the campaigns promoting reforestation. The application of these means did not yield much and hence the concentration of many on studying these aspects to reveal better approaches to the problem. The application of resistant plants and those that can grow under difficult conditions has provided the option that many consider workable in reducing the pressure on deforestation. The

Friday, November 1, 2019

Essentials Mangement (report) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Essentials Mangement (report) - Essay Example The Essentials Management is all about finding solutions to help the organisation to improve efficiency, reduce costs, decrease cycle time and push up strategic initiatives. What are the issues before an ambitious management and an expanding organization? Find solutions to short term and long term problems, lookout and seize the opportunities well in time in this fast moving age of industrial and internet revolution, tackle critical issues posed from time to time and improve effectiveness in functions and crucial programs. Of the four important factors of production, land, labor, capital and organisation, labor (workforce at all levels) is important. The employees can build an organisation just as sometimes it is claimed that the employees can break it. For the organisation to become prosperous and grow employees (including officials of the top management) need to be basically sound and industrious and basic conditions and favourable atmosphere need to be created for them to become b asically sound and industrious. â€Å"If everything is important, then nothing is†¦.Whether it is a multinational corporation, a department within a larger company, or a small entrepreneurial venture, every organisation provides its leader with more distractions and concerns than one person can handle. The key to managing this challenge, of course, is to identify a reasonable number of issues that will have the greater possible impact on the success of your organization, and then spend most your time thinking about, talking about, and working on those issues.†(Lencioni, 2006, introduction. xi) The phrases like decentralization, delegate responsibility etc. often find favor in an expanding organisation. The modern management science favours these techniques. But the critical point for the success of organization is somewhere else. The growth of an organization needs to be a healthy growth. None but the head of an organisation can make it healthy. To delegate responsibility for