Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Challenges to Gender Equality in Syria

Challenges to Gender Equality in Syria It is without a doubt that Syria is currently passing through the most critical crisis since its modern birth in the beginning of the twentieth century. The U.N. recently declared the Syria conflict the biggest humanitarian and peace and security crisis currently facing the world as the fighting enters its fourth year. Since the onset of the conflict in March 2011, there have been more than 100,000 fatalities half of whom are believed to be civilians. Syria has become the worlds leading country of forced displacement with around 40 per cent of Syrias pre-conflict population uprooted from their homes. There are more than 6.5 million people internally displaced and another 2.5 million registered refugees who fled mainly to the neighboring countries of Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Turkey. The number of refugees, however, is much higher as hundreds of thousands more await registration while many others choose not to register. Though nearly all of Syrias population is affected by the conflict, the U.N. estimates that over thirteen million people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Syrias youth and children are paying the heaviest toll with acute shortage in nutrition and vaccination and lack of education. Moreover, with the deteriorating security situation in the country, Syrian women have become increasingly exposed to a range of violations from the different parties in the conflict. Women have become the main victims of the consequences of the dreadful conflict. Thousands of civilian women have been killed in the conflict and many others have been raped, arrested, tortured, taken as hostages and often used as human shields. Sexual violence has also been systemically used against Syrian women in this conflict as a means to terrorize them and their families. Despite all these atrocities and crimes committed against them, Syrian women remain outside the politicians’ agendas who continue to ignore their rights especially to full participation and equal citizenship. Even before the war, and although Syria has ratified a number of international conventions including CEDAW, women’s participation in general and in political life in particular has been extremely low. The social values of the society and its negative view of women have led to the exclusion of women from most decision-making positions all over the Syrian social, economic and political life. Challenges Facing the Coalition Apart from the external constraints caused by the Syrian crisis, the Coalition of Syrian Women for Democracy faces a number of challenges that must be considered and overcome. These include finding and agreeing on common goals and means. The following strategic plan will clarify a clear focus and set realistic objectives on what the Coalition has been formed to accomplish. Nevertheless, the Coalition needs to form a coordination committee that will have to deal with a number of issues that if unaddressed might weaken the Coalition. The Coordination Committee needs to form a center of operations to deal internally with the members of the Coalition and externally with the partners, donors and other relevant actors. The Committee needs to work on boosting the motivation of the members and develop clear methods and mechanisms to resolve conflicts within the Coalition. Members need also to have a sense that each one is doing their fair share of the workload and contributing to what is exp ected of them to achieve the Coalition’s goal. The Coalition, through its statutes and bylaws, must also ensure that there is a clear decision-making mechanism and that there is a clear understanding among members and partners as to how decisions in the Coalition are made. The Coalition needs also to promote a culture of trust within the Coalition where all members can feel that their agreements and dealings are open, forthright and transparent and that all members have equal status. Other challenges that the Coalition will need to address is credit and visibility of the members where all members need to feel that they are receiving the credit and visibility they deserve unless they want to remain anonymous for one reason or another. The Coalition’s advocacy efforts will gain more strength and efficiency provided that the Coordination Committee also works on prioritized and consistent issues through sharing the priorities of the Coalition as a whole and agreeing to work towards the shared goal. This can be achieved by developing clear lines of communication between members and learning how to utilize each member’s skills and resources. Last but not least, joining efforts together, while definitely offering a range of advantages, might also be hampered by a set of weaknesses. For the Coalition to be effective and sustainable, it requires the active participation of all the members of the Coalition. The fact that many coalitions and networks are dominated by one individual can be a major obstacle. In his/her absence, no decisions will be taken and no communication will be activated, etc. It is important that all members contribute – and are encouraged to contribute – to the workload and that information is disseminated across the Coalition. This requires sharing information continuously and not just passively receiving it. The Coalition need to set the pace for planning, initiating and participating in joint activities and not merely waiting for things to happen. Our Values Gender Equality We believe that all human beings have the right to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by gender roles. We believe that men and women have the same intrinsic value and thus are equally valuable to society and have equal rights and responsibilities. We believe that there should be equality in outcomes rather than simply equality in opportunities and that all forms of discrimination should be completely abolished. Equality Equality implies that everyone has equal rights, a fact that enables us to create a fairer society where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Because real equality will only exist when we recognize and value difference and work together for inclusion, the Coalition recognizes, respects, values and embraces difference for the benefit of everyone. The Coalition also believes in gender equity and that men and women should receive fair treatment in all aspects of life. Democracy We believe that democracy is more than just the right to vote; democracy requires that people be allowed to defend their legitimate interests and rights and have the means to influence decisions affecting their lives. Democracy also requires people to make informed decisions, to have the freedom to express their views and to participate in political processes without fear of retribution. Freedoms The Coalition believes that the inherent dignity and the equal rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedoms and justice in the world and as such all people should have the freedom of speech and expression, freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms, to move freely and to practice any profession, trade or business and to follow their dreams and aspirations. Participation and Empowerment We believe that women must be well prepared and empowered to participate effectively in making decisions that affect their lives and future. Women need not only learn about their rights but they should also learn to acquire skills that would facilitate their access to decision-making positions in times of peace and war. Citizenship We believe that citizenship goes beyond the status of being a citizen of a particular community or state. Citizenship means the right of living together in dignity with other citizens and sharing a common home with them. Citizenship requires a sense of a mutual interest and a relationship that includes rights, duties and privileges. Thus, we believe that citizenship, democracy and equality are integrally three interlinked concepts. Justice The Coalition believes in the fair and proper administration of laws irrespective of nationality, ethnicity, gender, race and religion, and that all people should be treated equally and without prejudice and should have the right to access justice as a main component of their human rights. The Coalition believes that justice holds individuals and groups accountable for their actions and thus protects everyone’s rights. Justice should lead to establishing power balances within the society and reinforcing gender equity. Social Justice We believe that each person has a unique value as an individual and is thus entitled to have fair access to resources according to his / her capacities and abilities. We believe that attitudes of respect for one another should be developed as well. We also believe that proper policies and patterns of behavior should be shaped to protect and enhance the value of each individual. Rationale of Strategy One Syrian women, like most women in Arab countries, do not enjoy equal rights or equal opportunities with men. This is reflected clearly in their lack of access to political rights, civil rights, education, decision-making positions and key jobs. Even well educated women have to struggle against ancient traditions and restrictive social values that stereotype women and limit their abilities and fair access to power and resources. Democracy and human rights are integrally intertwined to one another. Human rights can only be protected when there is a true democracy and rule of law in a country. A functional democracy would embrace diversity and would allow power to ultimately rest with the people. The Coalition believes that such a model has to provide fair opportunities for women to become full partners within the Syrian society at all levels. However, democracy and human rights are interdependent. Without human rights, democracy is meaningless. The Coalition realizes that true democracy cannot be achieved unless there is a focused advocacy on human rights, women’s rights, civil and political rights as well as social, economic, educational and cultural rights. These rights can only be accomplished and protected through a modern democratic constitution that would specifically guard Syrian women’s rights and equality. The Coalition will strive to advocate for a constitution that not only grants equality to women but also sets a framework that would adopt measures of positive discrimination in favor of women – such as a quota for neutralizing the cumulative political and socio economic disadvantages and marginalization that they have experienced for decades. The Coalition will work towards achieving a constitution that would ensure gender equality before the law as well as the equal protection of the law, prohibit discrimination against any citizen on grounds of sex, religion, or ethnicity and guarantee equality in opportunity and outcome to all male and female citizens. Rationale of Strategy Two The human sex ratio in the world, as well as in Syria, is almost equal. As such, women represent half the society; without their full and meaningful participation, the society is crippled with half its capacities. Using only part of its resources, a society is destined to fail. Syria is no exception. Women should be considered as full partners in a world that both men and women equally share. Women’s participation in Syria continues to be limited; per se, effective participation remains a top priority and a critical element for achieving gender equality. The Coalition plans to lobby on behalf of the Syrian women to change all legislations that impede their full participation in political, economic and peace-making processes across all sectors and throughout different levels of life in Syria. The goal is to establish a more stable and just society in Syria. This can only be accomplished by increasing women’s capacities and skills and by adopting favorable laws and policies that would provide the proper motivation and opportunity for women to advance, flourish and achieve. Moreover, with the devastating conflict going on in Syria, the imperatives for peace and peacebuilding are enormously substantial. It is obvious that at some point that peace building and conflict resolution will be sought but such a process cannot be accomplished without the critical participation of women. Therefore, women have to be active participants at the negotiating table as negotiators, mediators and technical experts. Gender issues must be integrated into all the negotiation processes. The interests and concerns of women in Syria, as well as those displaced internally and across neighboring countries, must be discussed and addressed properly. The absence of women from formal peace negotiations is quite discriminatory and unfair given the fact that women have not only become parties to the conflict but also its main victims. The continued marginalization of Syrian women in related peace efforts that aim at preventing, addressing and resolving conflicts means that the local and international communities need to take more decisive action to remedy this injustice. The Coalition adopts UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security so as to increase Syrian’s women’s participation in all efforts related to peace and security, and to strengthen their protection in the armed conflict the country is passing through. The Coalition will concretely lobby for the participation of Syrian women in key decision-making processes related to peace and security. It will also ensure that Syrian women’s contribution is important in preventing, managing and resolving the current conflict and later in building up the society after the conflict has been resolved. Rationale of Strategy Three A coalition is a union of people and organizations that come together for the purpose of gaining more influence, outcome and power than the individual organizations can achieve on their own especially in advocacy efforts. As such, there is a need to spend time and energy to build a coalition and amass the power necessary to accomplish the intended change. Goals range from information sharing to coordination of services, from community education to advocacy for major environmental or policy changes. The Coalition of Syrian Women for Democracy seeks to influence the Syrian constitution and all relevant policies and legislations that deprive Syrian women of their rights and prohibit them from fully participating in all aspects of political, economic and social life in Syria. The Coalition, however, is faced with several significant organizational challenges. Among these are the ability to function under the dynamic changes that Syria is passing through at the moment; the ability to make better use of the limited resources it has access to; the ability to increase the capacity and accountability of its members and the ability to preserve its mission course and ultimately achieve the Coalition’s goals and objectives. The Coalition realizes quite well the urgency to respond to these organizational challenges as soon as possible. Moreover, the coordination committee needs to get more involved in the steering, communication, monitoring and guidance processes. The Coalition aims to develop the structures, strategies, methodologies, processes and procedures that would serve the Coalition best and ultimately increase its capacity and resilience. This cannot be achieved without investing in the capacity building of the members of the Coalition. This would require development of the members’ human resources, strategies, policies and procedures as well as leadership. The Coalition will embrace two values when developing its members’ capacities. These are: 1) humanistic values that relate to equality, openness, honesty and integrity and 2) democratic values that relate to social justice, freedom of choice, and involvement.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Experience With and Benefits of Nontraditional Students in the Classroo

There are only a few times in my undergraduate experience that I remember being in class with much older students. At that time, most of the older students were auditing classes because they could do so tuition free. They, therefore, would be in the class sessions except on exam days and they were not expected to turn in any of the assignments. This fact somewhat bothered me at the time because it made them seem as if they were receiving preferential treatment, although such was not the case. The most salient memory I have of a non-traditional student was a class called Comparative Government in which we studied the governmental structures of the United States, Great Britain, Russia, China, and West Germany. There was a student in his 70s in this class. He was garrulous and, unlike the rest of us, remembered many of the things that had happened in the histories of these countries. For instance, he could recall the division of Germany and the Communist takeover in China. I remember one day in class when he became particularly talkative. Three things stand out in my mind about this occasion: (a) the annoyed expression on the professor’s face; (b) the aggravation I felt at his endless and irrelevant droning; and, (c) the comment a classmate made in the hall, â€Å"Someone should put that poor old fool out of his misery.† In another class in German history, one classmate was a veteran of the Vietnam Conflict and naturally had strong feelings about communism in general. Although this student was only 10 to 15 years older than the rest of us, he had experienced things that the traditional student had only read and heard. One day in discussion, the subject of the division of Germany was broached. This stirred a lively and im... ...ices, 43-51. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/ ehost/pdfviewer/ pdfviewer?sid=ea53e279-aa56-41c9-8269-edc2077884f5%40sessionmgr10&vid= 5&hid=25 Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2011). Research on adult learners: Supporting the needs of a student population that is no longer nontraditional. Peer Review, 13(1), 26-29. Retrieved from http://www.aacu.org/peerreview/pr-wi11/prwi11_RossGordon.cfm Skopek, T., & Schuhmann, R. A. (2008). Traditional and non-traditional students in the same classroom? Additional challenges of the distance education environment. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, X1(1). Retrieved from www.westga.edu/ ~distance/ojdla/spring111/skopek111.html Wlodkowski, R. J. (2008). Enhancing adult motivation to learn: A guide to improving instruction and increasing learner achievement (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

A Survey on Different Architectures Uses in Online Self Testing for Real Time Systems

A Survey on Different Architectures Used in Online Self Testing for Real Time Systems I.ABSTRACT On-line self-testing is the solution for observing lasting and intermittent mistakes for non safety critical and real-time embedded multiprocessors. This paper fundamentally describes the three programming and allotment policies for online self-testing. Keywords-components:MPSoC, On-line self-testing, DSM engineering II.INTRODUCTION Real-time systems are really of import parts of our life now a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours. In the last few decennaries, we have been studied the clip facet of calculations. But in recent old ages it has increase exponentially among the research workers and research school. There has been an oculus catching growing in the count of real-time systems. Bing used in domestic and industry production. So we can state that real-time system is a system which non merely depends upon the rightness of the consequence of the system but besides on the clip at which the consequence is produced. The illustration of the real-time system can be given as the chemical and atomic works control, infinite mission, flight control systems, military systems, telecommunications ; multimedia systems and so on all make usage of real-time engineerings. Testing is a cardinal measure in any development procedure. It consists in using a set of experiments to a system ( system under trial ? SUT ) , with multiple purposes, from look intoing right functionality to mensurating public presentation. In this paper, we are interested in alleged black-box conformity testing, where the purpose is to look into conformity of the SUT to a given specification. The SUT is a â€Å"black box† in the sense that we do non hold a theoretical account of it, therefore, can merely trust on its discernible input/output behaviour. Real clip is measured by quantitative usage of clock ( existent clock ) [ 1 ] .Whenever we quantify clip by utilizing the existent clock we use existent clip. A system is called existent clip system when we need quantitative look of clip to depict the behaviour of the used system. In our day-to-day lives, we rely on systems that have implicit in temporal restraints including avionic control systems, medical devices, web processors, digital picture entering devices, and many other systems and devices. In each of these systems there is a possible punishment or effect associated with the misdemeanor of a temporal restraint. a. ONLINE SELF TESTING Online self-testing is the most cost-efficient technique which is used to guarantee right operation for microprocessor-based systems in the field and besides improves their dependableness in the presence of failures caused by constituents aging. DSM Technologies Deep submicron engineering means, the usage of transistors of smaller size with faster exchanging rates [ 2 ] . As we know from Moore ‘s jurisprudence the size of transistors are doubled by every twelvemonth in a system, the engineering has to suit those Iraqi National Congresss in transistors in little country with better public presentation and low-power [ 4 ] . III. Different Architectures used in Online Self Testing in Real Time Systems. 1.The Architecture of the DIVA Processing In Memory Chip The DIVA system architecture was specially designed to back up a smooth migration way for application package by incorporating PIMs into conventional systems every bit seamlessly as possible. DIVA PIMs resemble, at their interfaces, commercial DRAMs, enabling PIM memory to be accessed by host package either as smart memory coprocessors or as conventional memory [ 2 ] . A separate memory to memory interconnect enables communicating between memories without affecting the host processor. PIM Array PIM to PIM Interconnect Fig.1: DIVA Architecture A package is closely related to an active message as it is a comparatively lightweight communicating mechanism incorporating a mention to a map to be invoked when the package is received. Packages are transmitted through a separate PIM to PIM interconnect to enable communicating without interfering with host memory traffic. This interconnect must back up the dense packing demand of memory devices and let the add-on or remotion of devices from system. Each DIVA PIM bit is a VLSI memory device augmented with general intent computer science and communicating hardware [ 3 ] . Although a PIM may dwell of multiple nodes, each of which are chiefly comprised of few M of memory and a node processor. 2. Bit Multiprocessor Architecture ( CMP Architecture ) Bit multiprocessors are besides called as multi-core microprocessors or CMPs for short, these are now the lone manner to construct high-performance microprocessors, for a figure of grounds [ 6 ] . restricting credence of CMPs in some types of systems. Fig.2: The above figure shows the CMP Architecture [ 6 ] 3.SCMP Architecture: An Asymmetric Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Future systems will hold to back up multiple and coincident dynamic compute-intensive applications, while esteeming real-time and energy ingestion restraints. Within this model, an architecture, named SCMP has been presented [ 5 ] . This asymmetric multiprocessor can back up dynamic migration and pre-emption of undertakings, thanks to a coincident control of undertakings, while offering a specific information sharing solution. Its undertakings are controlled by a dedicated HW-RTOS that allows online programming of independent real-time and non existent clip undertakings. By integrating a affiliated constituent labelling algorithm into this platform, we have been able to mensurate its benefits for real-time and dynamic image processing. In response to an of all time increasing demand for computational efficiency, the public presentation of embedded system architectures have improved invariably over the old ages. This has been made possible through fewer Gatess per grapevine phase, deeper grapevines, better circuit designs, faster transistors with new fabrication procedures, and enhanced direction degree or data-level correspondence ( ILP or DLP ) [ 7 ] . An addition in the degree of correspondence requires the integrating of larger cache memories and more sophisticated subdivision anticipation systems. It hence has a negative impact on the transistors’ efficiency, since the portion of these that performs calculations is being bit by bit reduced. Switch overing clip and transistor size are besides making their lower limit bounds. The SCMP architecture has a CMP construction and uses migration and fast pre-emption mechanisms to extinguish idle executing slots. This means bigger exchanging punishments, it ensures greater flexibleness and responsiveness for real-time systems. Programing Model The scheduling theoretical account for the SCMP architecture is specifically adapted to dynamic applications and planetary programming methods. The proposed scheduling theoretical account is based on the expressed separation of the control and the calculation parts. Computation undertakings and the control undertaking are extracted from the application, so as each undertaking is a standalone plan. The control undertaking handles the calculation undertaking programming and other control functionalities, like synchronisms and shared resource direction for case. Each embedded application can be divided into a set of independent togss, from which expressed executing dependences are extracted. Each yarn can in bend be divided into a finite set of undertakings. The greater the figure of independent and parallel undertakings are extracted, the more the application can be accelerated at runtime. Fig3: SCMP Processing As shown in Figure 9, the SCMP architecture is made of multiple PEs and I/O accountants. This architecture is designed to supply real-time warrants, while optimising resource use and energy ingestion. The following subdivision describes executing of applications in a SCMP architecture. When the OSoC receives an executing order of an application, its Petri Net representation is built into the Task Execution and Synchronization Management Unit ( TSMU ) of the OSoC. Then, the executing and constellation demands are sent to the Selection unit harmonizing to application position. They contain all of active undertakings that can be executed and of coming active undertakings that can be prefetched. Scheduling of all active undertakings must so integrate the undertakings for the freshly loaded application. If a non-configured undertaking is ready and waiting for its executing, or a free resource is available, the PE and Memory Allocation Unit sends a constellation primitive to the Configuration Unit. Fig4: SCMP Architecture [ 5 ] Table Of ComparisonName Of The PaperYear of PublicationWriterLimitsThe Architecture of the DIVA Processing In Memory Chip2002Jeff Draper, Jacqueline Chame, Mary Hall, Craig Steele, Tim Barrett, Jeff LaCoss, John Granacki, Jaewook Shin, Chun Chen, Chang Woo Kang, Ihn Kim, Gokhan DaglikocaThis paper has described a elaborate description of DIVA PIM Architecture. This paper holding some issues for working memory bandwidth, peculiarly the memory interface and accountant, direction set characteristics for mulct grained parallel operation, and mechanism for address interlingual rendition.Chip Multiprocessor Architecture: Techniques to Improve Throughput and Latency2007KunleOlukotun, LanceHammond, James LaudonThis work provides a solid foundation for future geographic expedition in the country of defect-tolerant design. We plan to look into the usage of trim constituents, based on wearout profiles to supply more sparing for the most vulnerable constituents. Further, a CMP switch is merely a first measure toward the overreaching end of planing a defect-tolerant CMP system.SCMP Architecture: An Asymmetric Multiprocessor System on-Chip for Dynamic Applications2010NicolasVentroux, Raphael DavidThe new architecture, which has been called SCMP, consists of a hardware real-time operating system gas pedal ( HW-RTOS ) , and multiple computer science, memory, and input/output resources. The operating expense due to command and execution direction is limited by our extremely efficient undertaking and informations sharing direction strategy, despite of utilizing a centralized control. Future works will concentrate on the development of tools to ease the programmation of the SCMP architecture.Decision We have done a study how online self-testing can be controlled in a real-time embedded multiprocessor for dynamic but non safety critical applications utilizing different architectures. We analyzed the impact of three online self-testing architectures in footings of public presentation punishment and mistake sensing chance. Equally long as the architecture burden remains under a certain threshold, the public presentation punishment is low and an aggressive ego trial policy, as proposed in can be applied to [ 8 ] D. Gizopoulos et al. , â€Å" Systematic Software-Based Self -Test for Pipelined Processors † , Trans. on Vlsi Sys. , vol. 16, pp. 1441-1453, 2008. such architecture. Otherwise, online self-testing should see the programming determination for extenuating the operating expense in hurt to blame sensing chance. It was shown that a policy that sporadically applies a trial to each processor in a manner that accounts for the idle provinces of processors, the trial history and the undertaking precedence offers a good tradeoff between the public presentation and mistake sensing chance. However, the rule and methodological analysis can be generalized to other multiprocessor architectures. Mentions [ 1 ] R. Mall. â€Å"Real-time system† : Theory and pattern. Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2008. [ 2 ]Analysis of On-Line Self-Testing Policies for Real-Time Embedded Multiprocessors in DSM Technologies O. Heron, J. Guilhemsang, N. Ventroux et Al2010 IEEE. [ 3 ]Jeff Draper et al. ,â€Å"The Architecture of the DIVA Processing In Memory Chip † ,ICS’02,June. [ 4 ] C. Constantinescu, â€Å"Impact of deep submicron engineering on dependableness of VLSI circuits† , IEEE DSN, pp. 205-209, 2002. [ 5 ] Nicolas Ventroux and Raphael David, â€Å"SCMP architecture: An Asymmetric Multiprocessor System-on-Chip for Dynamic Applications† , ACM Second International Forum on Next Generation Multicore/Many nucleus Technologies, Saint Malo, France, 2010. [ 6 ] Chip Multiprocessor Architecture: Techniques to Improve Throughput and Latency. [ 7 ] Antonis Paschalis and Dimitris Gizopoulos â€Å"Effective Software-Based Self-Test Strategies for On-Line Periodic Testing of Embedded Processors† , DATE, pp.578-583,2004. IJSET 2014Page 1

Friday, January 3, 2020

Analyse the Structure of Sony in 1999 and the...

Parinthorn Komonkitisakun Student no.1244197 The different in organization cultures are mainly related to the practices between companies, while the national culture are associated with the values that held deeply and difficult to change. Employees can adapt themselves to the organization culture and they can follow the leaders in an organization. However, if conflicts occurred between their national cultural values and the organizational culture, the organizational culture would be undermined. There are many viewpoints which will be the most important to the organization structure. In this case, The quotation below is given by Morgan Gareth which present the strongest reason that explain as follow; â€Å"One of the major strengths of†¦show more content†¦It can be seen that the successful enterprises might have their unique symbol. Meredes-Benz would be a good example which is well-known. The logo is usually a piece of metal with a distinctive shape. The Mercedes logo extends well beyond of the artifact and its capac ity of the producer which symbolizes of quality, luxury and prestige. The symbol concisely and evocatively represents the conceptual foundation of the organization. However, if organization have Organizational culture is probably difficult to define. Some of the definitions of general concepts and some specific meaning are defined. Organizational culture can be deï ¬ ned as the shared, basic assumptions that an organization learnt while coping with the environment and solving problems of external adaptation and internal integration that are taught to new members as the correct way to solve those problems (Park et al., 2004). Each organization has its unique culture, which develops overtime to reï ¬â€šect the organization’s identity in two dimensions: visible and invisible. The visible dimension of culture is reï ¬â€šected in the espoused values, philosophy and mission of the ï ¬ rm while the invisible dimension lies in the unspoken set of values that guide employees’ actions and perceptions in the organization (McDermott and O’Dell, 2001). The organizational structure may defined as â€Å"the formal system of work