Thursday, December 26, 2019
Personal Understanding Of Advanced Practice Nursing
Personal Knowing and Its Relevance to Advanced Practice Nursing Throughout the development of theory in the discipline of nursing there are concepts of knowledge that are fundamental. Four of these patterns of knowing were first explored by Carper (1978) which included: empirical knowing, ethical knowing, personal knowing, and aesthetic knowing. Later, an additional facet was added by Chinn and Kramer (2008) which introduced emancipitory knowing. While all of these forms of knowledge are critical for holistic nursing care, this paper will place an emphasis on personal knowledge and how it contributes to the development of knowledge within nursing and the roles of advanced care practitioners. What is Personal Knowledge? Personal knowledge is the most ambiguous of the five patterns of knowing. Much of this is due to the fact that there is no way to neither verbalize nor teach personal knowledge, yet it is deemed, â€Å"the most essential to understanding the meaning of health in terms of individual well-being†(Carper, 1978, p. 18). Personal knowledge describes the awareness of not only one’s self but also the patient as an individual with worth, and the meaning of the moment (Chinn Kramer, 2008). While it cannot be articulated, personal knowledge is expressed as a â€Å"genuine self†and can be partially conveyed through written works such as autobiographies and stories of meaningful interactions (Chinn Kramer, 2008, p. 7). Being a form of knowledge that is incapable of beingShow MoreRelatedProfessional And Personal Application Statement1580 Words  | 7 Pages Professional/Personal Application Statement Stephanie Sciaudone University of Indianapolis â€Æ' Introduction Transitioning into the role of an advanced practice nurse requires more than simply gaining more education or demonstrating leadership abilities beyond that of a traditional registered nurse. 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